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Tuesday 26 June 2012

Ghost Recon - Island Thunder

Cheat Codes

Ghost Recon - Island Thunder

Start game, goto console (hit enter on keypad) and
enter the following cheats (hit escape to exit
console again):

Result                                Code
Achieve objectives one at a time    - cisco 
All inventory items                 - refill 
Change your kit to specified file   - kit  
Chicken grenades                    - chickenrun 
Disable constant shaky screen       - rumbleoff 
Enable constant shaky screen        - rumbleon 
Exit game                           - quit
Faster movement                     - run 
God mode                            - superman
Hide corpse names                   - hidecorpse 
Invisibility                        - shadow 
Lose current mission                - autolose 
Mark location on map for teleport   - mark 
Mark location on map for teleport   - mark2 
Paintball mode                      - extremepaintball 
Report current location             - loc 
Screen shakes                       - boom 
Set gamma; default is 0.5           - setgama  
Show object names                   - names 
Show texture properties for objects - showtextureprops 
Squirrel launcher                   - squirrelkite 
Suicide                             - god
Take over enemy bases               - rock 
Team God mode                       - teamsuperman 
Team invisibility                   - teamshadow 
Teleport                            - teleport
Teleport to preset locations        - spawn 
Toggle actor stats                  - toggleshowactorstats 
Toggle AI                           - toggleai 
Toggle display of tracers           - tracers 
Toggle effect stats                 - toggleshoweffectsstats 
Toggle framerate display            - toggleshowframerate 
Toggle freezing trees               - togglemovetrees 
Toggle interface stats              - toggleshowinterfacestats 
Toggle level stats                  - toggleshowlevelstats 
Toggle performance counters         - toggleshowperfcounters 
Toggle system memory stats          - toggleshowsystemmemorystats 
Toggle texture memory stats         - toggleshowtexturememorystats 
Toggle total stats                  - toggleshowtotalstats 
Toggle user interface               - toggleui 
Unlimited ammunition                - ammo 
Unlock Hero characters              - unlockheros 
View debug counters                 - perf 
Win current mission                 - autowin
Players hunt down enemies           - gogetem
Everyone has pink cheeks and beards - eviltwin

Recommended weapons:
The best series of weapon combinations to use for online play are the SA80/M136
(Anti-Tank 4) and OICW/20mm Grenade Launcher. It is not recommended that you
become a sniper for online play. Many of the players that play online rush other
players when each game begins, and a sniper does not have the time to find an
area for spotting. Typically, the game will not last long enough for you to be
a sniper and many players do not like to wait for another player to find a

Super tip toe:
This trick is complex and requires practice to be able to do it quickly. However,
the benefits to being able to do this is that you can see over objects of incredible
height. This is very useful in the Embassy. The applications for this glitch are
limitless. The trick is described with the following control setup:
Right Mouse Button: Run (Note: This is important)

Q: Peek left
E: Peek right
W: Walk/run forward
A: Strafe left
S: Walk backwards
D: Strafe right
X: Toggle kneel and prone position from stand point
C: Toggle kneel and stand positioni from prone point
` : Change weapon (key to the left of 1)
Z: Reload weapon

While standing and looking down, run forward (Right Mouse Button + W) and stop
after you begin pressing X, X, Q, Q, C, C, and repeatedly tap Q. Now that your
are continuously peeking, look straight ahead and you should be nearly three
times higher than your surroundings. You may have to try this a few times to
get the timing correct. It is best to have a friend or something else to reference
the height. Try a car, bush, or box. If it seems more difficult than you expected,
try this instead. While standing and looking down, strafe left (A) and stop after
you begin pressing X, X, Q, Q, C, C, and repeatedly tap Q. Sometimes people cannot
work out the difference in releasing of the mouse buttons in the middle of pressing
keys on the keyboard. As far as applications, you will be able to locate and
eliminate enemies without being seenNote: This glitch is not accepted like the
normal TT and the HTT explained in here for Online Play. When observed from other
players in online play, you will appear to be shooting through objects.

Monkey hit by car:
In the plantation level, go to the road and follow it until you get to a gate that
blocks it off. Look at the ground to see a monkey that has been hit by a car.

Chicken explosives:
Complete Campaign Mission 8 in Firefight mode under the Veteran difficulty setting.
You must use a full team and none of your teammates may die.

Use multi-player weapons in single player mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Go into your game directory, and open the
"\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\mp1\"
"\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\mp2\" folder.
Open the "kits" file, then the "multiplayer" file. There you will find the extra
kits that you would normally find only in multi-player mode. Copy those kits into
your "\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\origmiss\kits\rifleman
(or demolitions, etc.).

Using hero or specialist kits for others:
This application is used for using hero or specialists kits for your ordinary
riflemen, demo, support or snipers. Note: This procedure involves editing a game f
ile; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Go into your game directory,
and open the "\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\origmiss\kits\hero\" folder.
There you will find a file corresponding to each hero. For example. "henry_ramirez".
Open his or her file, copy all the *.kit files and paste them into
"\red storm entertainment\ghost recon\mods\origmiss\kits\rifleman" (or "demolitions",
"heavy-weapons", "sniper", or whichever class you want to add the kit to.
Now even your ordinary riflemen can use the OICW, or even a sniper rifle.

Threat Indicator:
If you are able to effectively use your Threat Indicator (radar), you will be able
to know where an enemy opponent is, and which direction he or she may be moving.
There are two colors, yellow and red. The red circle in the middle of the Threat
Indicator indicates that the enemy is 15 meters from your current position. On the
outer most ring of the Threat Indicator, you will see flashes of red when opponents
shoot in your direction. The yellow is a 90° viewing angle of where your enemies are.
If you have a 90° angle, naturally you have four quarters to work with. When you
look left and right, notice that the yellow will transfer to another quarter of
the circle. The best way to find your opponent's location is to look left until
the yellow changes. At the exact point that it changes, stop. Your opponent is
exactly in the direction that is on the far right of your screen. The same applies
to looking right and at the same point that the yellow changes to a different
quarter your opponent is at the very left of your screen.

Boost stats:
Start a private game in cooperative mode. Play the game on the elite difficulty
setting with unlimited respawns and grenades. You will get a win and 45 kills

High pitched voices:
Complete Campaign Mission 4 in Defend mode under the Veteran difficulty setting
using only one soldier.

Big heads:
Complete Campaign Mission 7 in Defend mode under the Recruit difficulty setting.
You must use a full team and none of your teammates may die.

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