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Monday, 25 June 2012

18 Wheels of Steel - Across America

Cheat Codes

18 Wheels of Steel - Across America

In your "My Documents" folder, open your 18 Wheels of Steel folder. Use Notepad
to open the "config file". Change the line:

uset g_console "0" to uset g_console "1"

While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console, then type any of the
following codes:

NOTE: To open the console, you need to download patch 1.10.

Effect                 Code    
$100,000             - cheat money
All truck dealers    - cheat dealers
All truck drivers    - cheat drivers
Maximum star rating  - cheat stars


 1.First u must start a new game and the city must be New York
 2.Then u must color ur truck blue
 3.Then ride to the New York Truck Dealer
 4.Then when u go to Buy Truck there would be the 2 best trucks in the game

Another way to get more money [all ver.]:
This method is base on editing files, so make sure to BACKUP "base.scs"
Note: This file is about 135mb. In that case, it will little bit slow while
you editing this file. So be patience

To edit this file we have to use "windows® xp built in compression utility"

If you have installed "winzip" ,"winrar" or other compression utility.
Then unassociated zip file.

Winzip: goto options >> configuration >> system and click on the "associations"
button and uncheck ".zip"

winrar: goto options >> settings >> integration and uncheck the box next to "zip"

[This because the version of the WinZip, winrar, you may try with earlier ver.
Of the WinZip and winrar]

Let's begin:
 1.Rename file "base.scs" to ""
 2.double click to open the file
 3.go in to "defs" folder
 4.In this folder, you will find folder named "scenarios" and drag this folder
   to yours desktop.
 5.then delete the "scenarios" folder in ""
 6.go to "scenarios" on the desktop and open "free_mode.def" with notepad
 7.change ' money:"1000" to money:"1000000000" ' the file and copy "scenarios" folder
 9.return to "defs" folder in the "" and paste
10.rename "" to "base.scs"
11.when you start new game in free mode you will have $1000000000

Note: you can also edit other files in the "scenarios" folder and can
change "truck:xxxxxx" with "mch613, kw900, mch603, fcl, flcc, kt2000,
kk100, p351, p362, vvn, ws, fln"

View game files:
The .scs files in the game's main directory are really .zip files that have a
different extension. Renaming a copy to .zip allows you to open it and see the
game files.

No Traffic:
Tired of being held up or being hassled by the fuzz? Go to "documents" and open up
the "18 WoS Across America" folder. Go to config.cfg and open it with notepad. Go
to the line that says uset g_traffic "1" and change the "1" to a "0". Then you can
run lights, skip weight stations, drive on the wrong side and do what ever you want.

Your own music:
Copy your Wave music (if converted to Wave) into the any of the folder in the music
folder in the 18 WoS Across America folder located in the My Documents folder in
Windows Explorer. During gameplay, press J for the Jukebox and your music will be

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