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Monday, 25 June 2012

Alan Wake

Cheat Codes

Alan Wake

Nightmare Mode:
Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock Nightmare Mode. This mode
makes combat much more difficult and adds 16 Manuscript Pages to

Microsoft Tag:
In Episode 4 there is a modern art painting on the top floor of the
lodge. It is actually a tag. Take your smartphone, aim it at the tag
on your screen and use Microsoft Tag to read it.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement.
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement         How to unlock
A Friend in Need  - Special 1: Find someone to help you.
A Friend Indeed   - Special 1: Follow the signal to its conclusion.
Alan, Wake Up     - Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty.
Boob Tube         - See what's on TV.
Departure         - Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Ding!: Special 2  - Complete the elevator ride.
Drink 'Em Both Up - Put de lime in de coconut twice.
Energized!        - Use 100 batteries.
Heartbreaker      - Special 2: Have some poison poured in your ear.
Heavy Metal       - Survive the bulldozer attack.
Hypercaffeinated  - Discover all coffee thermoses.
Iron Horse        - Encounter a steam engine.
Right of Way      - Drive over 15 Taken.
Tick Tock         - Special 1: Discover 10 hidden alarm clocks.
Tornado Wrangler  - Defeat the tornado.

Episode 3: Missing toilets:
When you look for the keys to the car at the end when escaping from the
nature center. Search the women's bathroom. None of the stalls have toilets.

Item limits:
You can only carry the indicated maximum amounts of the following items.

Batteries                   : 20
Revolver rounds             : 42
Shotgun shells (both types) : 32
Rifle rounds                : 25
Flaregun ammo               : 12
Flares                      : 20
Flashbangs                  : 20

Force view change:
If your character cannot be moved from the center of the screen, hold the
camera view fully to the left or right until Alan Wake turns around completely.
This will force his body to one side and you can see what is in front of him.

Max Payne references:
* Search the bookshelves in Alan's New York apartment and other locations. One
  of the books is is "The Things I Want", which is a chapter title from Max
  Payne 2.
* In Alan's New York Apartment and various other locations throughout the game,
  examine bookshelves: One of the titles is "The Things I Want" which is a
  chapter title and monologue sequence from Max Payne 2.
* During the flashback at the start of Episode 2, inside the apartment's master
  bedroom is a radio which broadcasts a winter storm warning and comments that
  it is the worst in New York history. This also happened in the original Max Payne,
  which was set in a blizzard-covered New York.
* Alan Wake's fictional protagonist in his novels, Alex Casey, has many similarities
  to Max Payne.
* In the Episode 6 flashback, Alan wakes up with a hangover and requires pain killers
  to stop the pain. The bottle is identical to the one that is used by Max Payne for
  his pain relief.
* In Episode 4 you meet a burned out game designer. The game designer rants about
  how they thought it was fun to include "mullets" and "mullet time" in their game.
  Soon producers wanted "mullet time" in everything. This is a reference to the
  "Bullet Time" ability both Max Payne games used.
* Two pages of the manuscript found in Episode 2 appear to be from Alan Wake's
  Novel: The Sudden Stop. The implication of the protagonist's wife and child
  matches the setup for Max Payne. The reference to painkillers could also call
  out to the use of painkillers to restore health in Max Payne.

Easy "Creative Space" achievement:
Go to the area with the airplane. Jump on its wings to reach the lower level. Drop
from the plane, then go to the left of the furthest wing (towards the front of the
plane). Once you reach the rock wall, find the slightly hidden hole. Go through it,
and follow the path along the cliff side to reach a cave with a giant typewriter
and get the "Creative Space" achievement. After Alan is done speaking, go on top
of the typewriter to read a paper that reveals more of the storyline.

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