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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Mount & Blade - With Fire and Sword

Cheat Codes

Mount & Blade - With Fire and Sword

Open the launcher, select "Configure", and click the "Game" tab. Check
the "Enable Cheats" box, and click the "OK" button. Then, enter one of
the following codes at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding
cheat function:

Result                                Screen      Code
+1,000 Dinar one time               - Inventory - [Ctrl]+X
+1,000 experience points (one time) - Character - [Ctrl]+X
Increase all weapon proficiencies   - Character - [Ctrl]+W
Upgrade selected unit (one time)    - Party     - [Ctrl]+X
See everything except hideouts      - Map       - [Ctrl]+T
Teleport party                      - Map       - [Ctrl]+Left Mouse Button
Upgrade all available
units to that path                  - Battle    - [Ctrl]+Left Click
Restore health                      - Battle    - [Ctrl]+H
Heal your horse                     - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[Shift]+H
Damage yourself                     - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[F3]
Knock single enemy unit unconscious - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F4]
All enemy troops unconscious        - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F4]
All enemies zoomed into unconscious - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F4]
AI takes over your character        - Battle    - [Ctrl]+[F5]
Toggle slow motion                              - [Ctrl]+[F9]

Marksmen Formation Issues:
If the player commands marksmen to stand in formation, they will always
stand in a single file facing the enemy instead of a single line.  To
correct this, use the infantry menu and command them to stand in formation
(regardless whether the player actually has infantry units or not). After
the command is sent, the marksmen will move according to the more appropriate
line formation.

The Black Mace by Nil Patriot:
Preparations: Trade well, make fine armors,buy best weapons,make up ur agility and
strength upto 16(Prefer strength) while in progress. Keep saves before imp events.
They are very much needed.

Common Part: I joined Cossacks as mercenary, and remained mercenary for long.
Do all special quests in favour of Cossacks. Someday after helping in battle one
Cossack noble gives you a Tatar prisoner. Deliver him to Lord of Sich. Then one of
the Cossack Noble tells you that to know about Black Mace, meet Clermount(French).
Find him speak with him. He will forward you to some Cossack Noble,who will finally
tell you the name of Jansuz Radziwill. Meet him(Probably at warsaw). He will ask you
to support his rebellion. But you need 200 renown. So keep fighting with cossacks,
play safe but, fight nobles indirectly, so u get renown increasing enmity (-ve relation).
Once you are ready Take J_Radziwill with you. Then Play Carefully. More the Castles
Polish have more time u get with JR.

Rebellion: Some parts must be completed before succeding rebellion. Ask JR his orders
and you will get first order, to get a castle. I suggest you gather at least 9 to 10
Polish nobles on your side. you will need them, if playing on normal difficulty.
Be prepared for continuous siege of two Castles. Once you get any castle, and move,
JR will leave ur party to stay at castle, and u have to meet him every time there only,
so select suitable castle not far from Kiev. Once you receive 2nd order to besiege Kiev,
quickly besiege it, otherwise Cossacks may besiege it before you. The army at Kiev
seems unending. It took me six days to complete the siege at normal difficulty. Once
I returned defeated from Castle halls, my health was quite low. but on next siege again
there appeared more than 100 garrisons. Once u have Kiev, go speak with JR, he will
send u to Mayor of Kiev. Go back and speak with Mayor. Pay him. He will tell u to about
JR. Go back speak with JR give him message. Ask about Black Mace, he will divert you to
 catch a Crimean Mirza. Catch one, and quickly after battle you will get new information,
and location of archives as Riga. Now deliver the Mirza to JR. This must be done before
winning the rebellion. Then once this quest is done, you may let the rebellion complete.
Take precaution not to take any castle for u otherwise some nation may declare war against
you. But you can take a village, Maslov Brod is the best choice.

Real Game: Reach upto here anyhow. But now speak with Mayor of Riga. He will ask you to get
permissions from his lord. So you have two options 1) Make your relation with Lord of Riga,
more than support. It took me two weeks by completing many of his tasks. 2) You can besiege
and win Riga, if Sweden is your enemy. Once you have permissions or town, speak with mayor,
u will get information about some burial spot. Ask Polish nobles, about it. You will need
some lord other than JR,favoring you more than support. It took me again one week to
increase my relation with one of the Polish friends. Then he told me burial spot as
village Nesvizh. Go there speak with elder as you serve JR. He will tell u about bandits.
Leave village. Meet deserters,205 strong with 55 Hussars. pay or fight them, they will
give u the ring and name Boryatinski. Go and meet prince Boryatinsky, on ground. If it
doesn't works let Muscovits be your enemy. Anyhow give him his father's ring, and he will
tell u about Book of Crows. Find some book merchant, buy Book of Crows for 7000.
Then ask some friend who can read it. Again good relation required. You will be told to
meet Pafnuty at Novogord. Go talk to him, take him/Go to Moscow. Then wait for two weeks,
keep fighting and Trading. After two weeks meet Pafnuty at Moscow. He will tell you of
"Cossack Legend".
Then ask to some Cossack friend, even Hetman Bogdan will tell you, name of Mamai.
Find him with the help of travellers, pay 5000, and he will join you. Talk to Mamai,
he will tell u to find Ivan Barabash. search Polish Castles, and some taveller also can
tell u his location. Find him anyhow. Talk to him, he sends you back to village Nesvizh.
 Now preapre yourself for, worst battle, and go to Nesvizch. After trying thrice, I had
to reduce my settings to poor combat and campaign. Then I won, and JR declared me as
enemy of all Polish. I took option of posing as Mercenary, restored my difficulty level.
You can go with direct fight option if u have enough army. find him, go to his hall,
defeat him and his Guards Poish Reiters. Shield is very helpful here. Get out of here.
U have ur "The Black Mace". You need at least 16 srength to use it. You get +50 army
size by keeping it in inventory. It can fell unconscious any soldier, with one hit,
even a Winged Hussar. So now you can take as many prisoner quests. ( When I did it my
renown was nearly 250,army size 104 + 50(by Mace)).

Post Mace: Mamai will tell u to meet Barabash. I found him at Kiev. He will give you
two options to join him or Hetaman Bogdan. If u take side of Cossacks u become Marshal
forever, lead a normal game life. And if u take side of IB, you get few more quests,
to choose sides. You can reduce ur enemies at any time by paying Money, when not
serving any faction.

Summary: It took me nearly 300 days to get Black Mace, after first joining Cossacks.
On trial, stuck, load back, basis I have gone through more than 500 gamedays, searched
quite alot found very few useful, lost my studies, but finally found it, without any
cheats ever. Bugs can't defeat me.

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